How We Work
At Campden Hill International, we engage our clients in a spirit of curiosity. Every client interaction is unique and, from the beginning, we stay open to the possibilities it presents.
Generally speaking, the Campden Hill Method consists of the following phases:
Getting Started
Based on preliminary conversations with those closest to the situation, we:
- clarify a set of outcomes and objectives for our work together
- put forward a number of approaches for moving ahead
- suggest some guidelines for making choices
During discovery, we sharpen our collective understanding of the current situation. To do this, we:
- interview members of the executive team and other key stakeholders to gather pertinent data
- get to know your team members in their roles and uncover their varying perspectives
- communicate what we learn to all team members so everyone shares the same story
Envisioning What Is Possible
Once we have a handle on the story, we begin building toward a desired future. These conversations share two essential features:
- They are practical. They are grounded in the reality of your current situation.
- They are generative. They consider possibilities that may not have occurred to anyone previously.
Designing That Future
Here, you create the architecture for realizing what has been envisioned. Working collaboratively, the key players establish decision criteria and apply those criteria to the alternatives that have been generated. We seek broad-based agreement for moving ahead.
Delivering on the Promise
Now we are ready for implementation. During this phase, we:
- clarify roles and responsibilities
- develop a communication plan
- begin executing strategies that bring you into alignment with what you envisioned
Sustainable change requires regular attention and an open, learning-oriented attitude. A small number of relevant measures makes it possible to adjust along the way.